
I'm a multipassionate creative, now very much into my personal venture that I called Loopyful Design. Inspired by the enchanting landscapes of Iceland, I create colorful artworks and fun giftware.

More about me

Since I moved to Iceland back in 2019, something truly magical has unfolded within me. Drawing inspiration from Reykjavík's stunning architecture, the mesmerizing landscapes of this land of fire and ice, and its captivating fauna, my creativity has flourished like never before.

I have named this flow "Loopyful Design."

Now, the fruits of my labor await discovery, both online and in selected shops dotted around Reykjavík. Come experience the enchantment firsthand on your next visit to Iceland!

Where to buy Loopyful Design

Reykjavík locals and visitors can find my giftware in selected shops downtown Reykjavík, (Polar Bear Shop, Rainbow Souvenirs, Reykjavík Giftstore, Saga Souvenirs, just to name some), but also at museums like Þjóðminjasafn Íslands and Borgarsögusafn Reykjavíkur.

More selection is available online on the best print-on-demand stores. I deliver worldwide.

Print on Demand products are fulfilled in EU and USA, in order to optimize shipping costs and delivery time. You're welcome :)

My Passion for Glass

I have worked in a glass blowing studio in the past, and I have explored a very different medium that allowed me to express my creativity in a complete new way.
I recently got to know Anders Vange from ReykjavikGlass, here in Iceland, and I might start some more artistic projects in collaboration with him!

Crafted Jewels

Although it is not my main occupation, I love crafting jewellery!

My creations draw inspiration from the rich culture and heritage of
Iceland. Norse mythology, runes, ancient symbols associated with pagan gods or the oceans—all of these themes captivate my curiosity and fuel my creativity.

I particularly enjoy working with a laser cutting machine to create my pendants. This allows me to design and shape them as I desire, resulting in modern jewelry infused with ancestral symbols.

It serves as a bridge connecting the past to the present.